Description about the benefits of NAD IV therapy

What is NAD+ and why do I need it?

In short, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) is a naturally occurring enzyme known for its anti-aging effects. It plays a key role in metabolic functions and cell regeneration and serves as a catalyst in brain renovation. This means it can help overcome depression, anxiety, and common mood disorders.

Intravenous (IV) NAD+ activates enzymes in our bloodstream that enable the “good stuff” in our genes, keeping us healthy and youthful. But like most things, it reduces with age. We lose 50% of our natural NAD+ supply by age 50 so it’s up to us to replenish it. Read more about our “Miracle Molecule” here. (Hyperlink NAD landing page)

Benefits of NAD+

❖ Reduces signs of aging
❖ Helps clear brain fog
❖ Improves mental clarity
❖ Boosts energy
❖ Improves memory and concentration
❖ Enhances athletic performance & stamina
❖ Detoxes and cleanses
❖ Supports addiction recovery
❖ Boosts metabolic function

  • The Afterglow vitamin infusion takes about an hour. The Rewind treatment (500mg of NAD+) takes 2 to 3 hours and Rewind Plus (1000mg NAD+) takes anywhere from 3 to 4 hours.

  • Reactions vary, but you may experience some side effects during the treatment. Because NAD+ works throughout our bodies, increases energy and is highly cellular, physiological sensitivity can occur if the infusion is absorbed too quickly. Common side effects include abdominal cramps, chest tightness or pressure, headaches, nausea, congestion, flushing, and heaviness in the legs. Effects are minimized and remedied with medication for nausea and by reducing the rate of IV administration or pausing administration to restart slowly and find the proper drip rate for your body. This should cause an immediate correction of symptoms.

  • You can, but vitamins aren’t nearly as effective as Intravenous (IV) therapy. IV NAD+ is delivered directly into your bloodstream where it immediately becomes available for your cells to use. Oral supplements pass through your digestive system where they are partially metabolized, limiting your body’s access to the nutrients. This method can also irritate your stomach lining or digestive tract. Because IV NAD+ bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, your body can absorb 100% of the infusion with minimal waste and maximum effect.

  • ❖ Replicates, protects, and repairs cells

    ❖ Enhances production of neurotransmitters, thus improving memory, concentration and mood

    ❖ Efficiently utilizes nutrients to produce the energy the cells need for optimal function

    ❖ Detoxifies by removing waste that interferes with neurotransmitters

    ❖ Increases NO(NitricOxide) production to improve blood flow and blood pressure.

    ❖ Improves vascular endothelial integrity

    ❖ Reverses insulin resistance and quickly establishes blood glucose regulation

    ❖ Acts as a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent

    ❖ Boosts metabolism and may support weight loss

    ❖ Has potent neuroprotective effects

    ❖ Prevents decaying of mitochondria which is a key factor in aging

  • The recommended treatment frequency varies from person to person. Most people benefit from treatments spaced two or three weeks apart to maintain general wellness, nutrient levels, and energy. However clients with health conditions or more targeted recovery goals may benefit from a cycle of weekly treatments. We will come up with a treatment plan that works for you during your initial assessment!


  • Give us a call or a text for an initial consultation to discuss your needs. We will send you consent and intake forms and require a 50% deposit for treatment.

    Read more about booking your Wellness Experience or signing up for an afficioNADo Membership.

  • We understand things come up that require schedule adjustments. If you need to cancel your appointment, please let us know 48 hours ahead of time to receive a full refund. You may reschedule within 24 hours of your appointment and be refunded 50% of your initial deposit.

  • Once one of our registered nurses arrives at your home, they will recap your intake information and take your vitals as an initial assessment. Setup takes less than ten minutes. The nurse will start an IV in your arm and stay with you to answer any questions and monitor the treatment. All of our nurses are experts on our wellness protocols, so feel free to pick their brains! You can also relax, read, watch TV, or use our BrainTap meditation devices during your session.

  • The Afterglow vitamin infusion takes about an hour. The Rewind treatment (500mg of NAD+) takes 2 to 3 hours and Rewind Plus (1000mg NAD+) takes anywhere from 3 to 4 hours.

  • The Afterglow is a customized cocktail of vitamins and antioxidants to nourish your brain and deliver hydration and glowing skin. The Prescription NAD+ includes everything in The Afterglow infusion plus NAD+, a powerful cellular regeneration enzyme.

  • When it comes to on-demand wellness, expertise and personalization are often overlooked. We believe that your privacy and unique health circumstances are paramount. Our nurses bring over eight years of ER and ICU experience, so we are prepared in the event that a rare adverse effect occurs. Simply put, we’re really good at administering IV’s. Our passionate staff is obsessed with all things wellness and bio-harmonizing trends and we’re excited to share our knowledge with you.

  • You can resume your usual daily activities immediately after your treatment with higher energy and a clearer mind. We recommend that you eat a well balanced meal to help absorb nutrients and refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours. Be mindful of how you are feeling during the week following your IV session. Your response to the treatment will help us curate your next “cocktail.”

  • Our wellness experiences vary depending on the vibe you’re looking for. Learn more about our four different retreats. Your experience can take place in your home or space of choice otherwise we are happy to help find the perfect venue.

    Contact us about building your Wellness Experience today.

  • Don’t lose momentum on your wellness journey and commit to self-care! Our afficioNADo Membership includes the recommended monthly infusion as well as discounts and virtual education depending on your membership level.

    Contact us about becoming an afficioNADo.